Join us on Stop Pressure Injuries Day
Did you know that 16 November is World Pressure Injury Prevention Day? It is organised by NPUAP, "National Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel", an organisation that focuses on leading and supporting people in their efforts to prevent and treat pressure ulcers. Stop Pressure…
Wonderful ride at the 35th annual ESICM conference
The round anniversary of the LIVES 2017 conference of the European Society of Intensive Medicine was the perfect opportunity to introduce the latest model in the LINET portfolio – the Sprint 100 stretcher.
LINET Group at E.D.E. conference
The 20th International Long-Term Care Conference and the 15th Congress of the EDE are join their events to host the most important conference on long-term care in Europe. And LINET Group together with our Polish partner Konkret will present there smart nursing care bed…